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    Diversity Fin® Antenna

    MAP: $649 USD

    The Diversity Fin® Antenna is a multi-purpose antenna for wireless microphones that doesn’t drop out by using our patented cross-polarized design. It provides a diversity solution in a single package by combining one log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) and one dipole antenna in an orthogonal (right angle) configuration. One element captures vertically polarized signals, and the other horizontally polarized signals.


    Key Features & Benefits

    Multi - Axis coverage Improves signal consistency in indoor reflective environments
    Two Antennas in One One Diversity Fin replaces two traditional LPDA paddle antennas
    Compatible Works with any brand wireless mic or IEM system

    About the Product

    • Target Audience and Venues

      Wireless mic users seeking to improve both performance and reliability
    • Pattern and Range

      120° horizontal coverage with typical range of at least 300'
    • Pattern Placement Example

      Put it at stage wings or front of house (FOH). Point at transmitters (or where the talent is).
    • Available Packs & Parts

      Bundled Packs Available:

       4 Channel Upgrade Packs:

      SKU: DFINDISTRO4 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with padded cover and stand mount bracket, DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables

      SKU: DFINBDISTRO4 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with black wall mount bracket, DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables

      SKU: DFINWDISTRO4 - White Diversity Fin Antenna with white stand mount bracket DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two White 25' RG8X BNC cables

      SKU: DFIND5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, stand-mount, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

      SKU: DFINBD5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, black install, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

      SKU: DFINWD5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, white install, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, white, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

       9 Channel Upgrade Packs:

      SKU: DFIND9 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with padded cover and stand mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

      SKU: DFINBD9 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with black wall mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

      SKU: DFINWD9 - White Diversity Fin Antenna with white stand mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two White 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

      C6CPS-D5DFIN  - includes (1) COMB6CP-STAGE [(1)COMBINE6 Six Channel In-Ear Monitor Combiner, (1) CP Stage Antenna, (10) 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, and (1) 25’ RG8X Coaxial Cable] and (1) D5DFIN [(1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, stand-mount, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

    Wireless mic users seeking to improve both performance and reliability
    120° horizontal coverage with typical range of at least 300'
    Put it at stage wings or front of house (FOH). Point at transmitters (or where the talent is).

    Bundled Packs Available:

     4 Channel Upgrade Packs:

    SKU: DFINDISTRO4 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with padded cover and stand mount bracket, DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables

    SKU: DFINBDISTRO4 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with black wall mount bracket, DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables

    SKU: DFINWDISTRO4 - White Diversity Fin Antenna with white stand mount bracket DISTRO4 Antenna Distribution system with (10) BNC jumpers, (4) DC jumpers, and (1) AC power cord Two White 25' RG8X BNC cables

    SKU: DFIND5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, stand-mount, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

    SKU: DFINBD5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, black install, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

    SKU: DFINWD5 - (1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, white install, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, white, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

     9 Channel Upgrade Packs:

    SKU: DFIND9 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with padded cover and stand mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

    SKU: DFINBD9 - Black Diversity Fin Antenna with black wall mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

    SKU: DFINWD9 - White Diversity Fin Antenna with white stand mount bracket DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution system with AC power cord Two White 25' RG8X BNC cables Ten 1.5' RG8X BNC cables Ten 2' RG8X BNC cables One Power Distribution Kit

    C6CPS-D5DFIN  - includes (1) COMB6CP-STAGE [(1)COMBINE6 Six Channel In-Ear Monitor Combiner, (1) CP Stage Antenna, (10) 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, and (1) 25’ RG8X Coaxial Cable] and (1) D5DFIN [(1) DISTRO5 HDR, (1) Diversity Fin Antenna, stand-mount, (2) 25' RF Venue Low Loss Antenna Cables, black, (1) 10 Pack 1.5' RF Venue Low Loss BNC Interconnect Cables, (1) DC-OCTOPUS-CABLE

    Eyebrow Text

    What Our Customers Have to Say

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam varius ex sed augue dictum accumsan. Morbi malesuada finibus libero, vel fringilla ex luctus et. Nullam congue, augue vitae rutrum pretium, nibh erat mattis ipsum, et lacinia lectus quam eu eros. Duis pellentesque, dolor vitae vestibulum consectetur, tortor eros ornare dui, in varius est magna et orci. Phasellus lobortis lorem enim, in iaculis eros varius molestie.

    Product Setup

    A single Diversity Fin can supply to up to 81 wireless receivers using the DISTRO9 HDR antenna distribution system or 25 receivers by using the DISTRO4 and is available in turn-key bundles.  More setup diagrams available in the resources section.




    For extra protection use we recommend an acrylic dome. Check out this blog post for more information.


    What's Included

    SKU: DFIN - Black Diversity Fin Antenna, Padded Cover, Stand mount bracket

    SKU: DFINB - Black Diversity Fin Antenna, Black wall mount bracket

    SKU: DFINW - White Diversity Fin Antenna, White wall mount bracket

    Most Common Questions Asked

    What is the range of the Diversity Fin?

    The range of any wireless system depends on a number of factors, of which antenna type is only one. Antenna placement, noise floor, and interfering signals are by far the most significant factors in determining range. Very few live sound applications exceed antenna to mic distances of 300’. The Diversity Fin will provide the same or slightly better range than paddle/shark fin antennas, under the same RF conditions - which is more than enough for most production scenarios. Those who need longer range should consider the CP Beam.

    How many Diversity Fins are required per receiver?

    Only one Diversity Fin is required per diversity receiver. The Diversity Fin is a polarization diversity antenna system with two antenna outputs. Simply connect output one of the Diversity Fin’s outputs to channel “A,” and the other to channel “B” on your wireless microphone receiver or antenna distributor. Consider watching the video for a better mental picture. A single Diversity Fin can accommodate four or more receivers using a single or cascaded DISTRO5 HDR antenna distributor.

    Does the Diversity Fin work with in-ear monitors?

    The Diversity Fin was designed for receive applications in a diversity receiver system. Although it is technically possible to use one of the two antenna elements (LPDA or dipole) for a transmit application, like an in-ear monitor, none of the Diversity Fin’s benefits will carry over to a transmit scheme. In other words, it defeats the point. You’re better off purchasing a single standalone paddle or a helical antenna to use with your wireless monitor.

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