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    MAP: $1,999 USD

    The Distro9 HDR is a powerful and versatile antenna distribution system designed to enhance the performance of your wireless microphone system.
    With its innovative features and exceptional audio quality, it's the ideal solution for a wide range of applications, from live events to broadcast studios.


    Key Features & Benefits

    Two input zones Each with 2x (diversity) RF inputs that provide maximum flexibility for covering large areas or multiple rooms with DC power available. This can be used for in-line amplifiers or active antennas.
    Expandable The Distro9's unity gain RF outputs can be cascaded to a second Distro9, which eliminates the need for dedicated cascade ports and provides up to 17 wireless microphone channels in a 2 RU space.
    Compatible Works with all manufacturers

    About the Product

    What Our Customers Have to Say

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam varius ex sed augue dictum accumsan. Morbi malesuada finibus libero, vel fringilla ex luctus et. Nullam congue, augue vitae rutrum pretium, nibh erat mattis ipsum, et lacinia lectus quam eu eros. Duis pellentesque, dolor vitae vestibulum consectetur, tortor eros ornare dui, in varius est magna et orci. Phasellus lobortis lorem enim, in iaculis eros varius molestie.

    What's Included

    SKU: DISTRO9HDR - DISTRO9 HDR Antenna Distribution System, (1) AC power cord

    Most Common Questions Asked

    What benefit do I get using the D9 vs. multiple D4s?

    Higher quality signal- Higher Dynamic Range. Reduced intermodulation, typically increasing the number of available channels to tune to

    What does HDR stand for?

    High dynamic range. D9’s dynamic range is typically 20dB better than competing units.

    What is the biggest selling point of the DISTRO9HDR unit

    More channels in less space Higher dynamic range - lower noise

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